Washington Reads – A Product Review

One of the reasons I am working on the habit of blogging is because I want to review products for The Old Schoolhouse again. Several years ago, I was on their product review team. What a blast receiving free product in exchange for expressing my opinion! Not much thrills me as much as pointing others toward something that would make their life better or easier and product reviews are a surefire way to make that happen.

TOS has changed the way they do product reviews. Now they have a viral marketing network of bloggers called the Schoolhouse Review Crew. I hope to work with them soon. In the meanwhile, I will occasionally link to several of my old review to give you a hint of what you can expect from me if I get accepted on the Crew.

When we moved 2 years ago, several of my favorite homeschooling resources went missing. Cleaning out the garage last week, I found a box full of wonders (including my IEW TWSS videos!). These fabulous playing cards were in the box, and believe it or not, they are still of use in our family! Our 11 year old son (we had not adopted him yet when the original review was written) is struggling with reading fluency. These cards are the perfect way for him to practice reading without feeling like he is doing schoolwork!

Here is the original review of these card games, which can be found on The Old Schoolhouse’s review site with hundreds more.