Easter Ideas


Below is a re-post from last year — lots of fun Easter ideas for you and your family.

Also, if you are looking for inspiration and encouragement in tackling a Passover dinner this year, see our photos from last year’s celebration. If we can do it, you can!

How is your Holy Week coming along?

I never even knew what “Holy Week” was, until I spent one in Mexico as a teenager. Now, as a mommy, I love the idea of dedicating a whole week to focusing on Christ’s Resurrection and the events that led up to it. I cherish the idea of family traditions pointing us back to our God (Ya know, I am thankful holidays come so often, and repeat themselves once a year! Our family so often forgets what is really important in life, and holidays can have a way of getting our focus back on the right track!)

This year, Ron is reading Vinegar Boy as our bedtime story every night (we started awhile back as it is a long book) and the kids and I are listening to a selection from Passion Hymns each morning (Volume 1 in this series is even more enjoyable than this one, it was so fun learn a ton about church history as we were immersed in praise to our King), along with reading the book of Luke out loud to get the bigger picture of the life of Christ.

I hope we will get it together in time to make these Empty Tomb Buns and deliver them to our neighbors with homemade Easter cards…but we’ll see if this actually gets done! Nana’s planning to bring over her copy of The Gospel of John for us to watch (part of) on Good Friday evening – I can also highly recommend The Jesus Film or the kids’ version of the same movie (click here to watch a preview), or really any tastefully done movie (read: NOT The Passion of Christ!) can be a great way to give your kids an idea of what the world was like at the time Christ died for us.

I came across many more fabulous ideas for Easter traditions — too late to use them this year! I figured I would gather them all here, for easy access next Holy Week. Perhaps you’ll find an idea or two that you’ll enjoy using with your family. A special thanks to Ann V. at the Holy Experience blog for many of these ideas (and for her continued encouragment to grow in Christ)!

From the folks who got our family really excited about a Christmas Jesse Tree Tradition, how about an Easter Tree? I’d also love to try the Resurrection Eggs again, either making our own or just buying a set. Whether you homeschool or not, what about taking all day Good Friday to spend learning about Easter? Why not celebrate Passover with your family or friends? The amazing connections between this God-ordained Old Testament Holiday and our Savior’s final sacrifice will astound you! You can even invite a Jews for Jesus missionary to come to your church and do a presentation on Christ in the Passover. Timberdoodle emailed out a few nifty ideas on using colors and candy for Easter Traditions. Barbara Custis (an author of a book my sis-in-law gave me that I am enjoying very much) has Two Dozen Ressurection Ideas here.

Oh, and we can’t forget the Easter Cookies– the recipe I always get in my inbox the day before Easter. I have tried this — and failed — two times. Anyone have any tips for these??

I’m going to do my very best to stay away from blogging for the next few days, to focus on making this time of year special. May you have a wonderful Semana Santa and a Happy Easter!

One thought on “Easter Ideas

  1. I’m kind of “blogging Holy Week” this week. Like you, I never heard of it, growing up, but how exciting it is for my children!! We spend HOURS in church this week, and to my delight, last year, on Palm Sunday, my daughter said, “I’m so glad it’s Holy Week–it has all my favorite services!”


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